Hello there, folks...! Amazingly, it's been over a year since the publication of The Chasm, and while I may have drifted away from this website (a bit) I promise I've not forgotten about the New Heroes!
I'm still receiving e-mails and twitter messages about the series (and I'm answering them, too, I promise: I just can't always respond immediately!), and every couple of days there's a new one asking about movie adaptations, or the video-game adaptations, or new books in the series... Sorry, but the news is that right now there is no news! As soon as there is, I'll let you know via this site or my Twitter account.
I've not been idle these past months, I promise... I'm still writing the Judge Dredd comic strip for 2000AD and Judge Dredd Megazine (and I'm delighted to say that my last collection of Dredd stories - Every Empire Falls - was the #1 Best-Selling Cult Graphic Novel and the #1 Crime and Mystery Best-Selling Cult Graphic Novel on Amazon!), I've published a number of short stories and e-books: check them out on my website, and I'm working on several new projects that I can't talk about yet.
I've also started an occasional blog on comic books... it mostly focusses on old British comics but I'm sure that anyone interested in the medium will find something to enjoy! Check it out by clicking on the image below:
So while the New Heroes / Quantum Prophecy series is indeed finished (for now), I promise I'll be keeping this website alive for as long as there's interest in the books and characters, and of course I'll be dropping back in from time to time if there's any news to impart.
In the meantime, I want to thank you all for your support over the years, especially those who have followed the series right from the start, and extra-especially those who have recommended the books to their friends!
Always remember: you are awesome!
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Paperback editions:
Kindle editions: |
A Farewell to New Heroes!
I've written a short article about saying good-bye to this series over on Steemit - have a read and let me know what you think!
(Also: Yes, the cover and title of the last novel will be revealed in only a few hours...!)
Hello there, folks! Sorry that there's not been much news here lately... that's because there's not much to report!
The ninth - and final - New Heroes novel will be published very soon so I've been working on the final polish for that one... It's been a long time in the making: fifteen years since I first began working on the series! But the end is in sight, at last. You won't have too much longer to wait, I promise!
Of course, the New Heroes series is not the only thing on which I've been working lately, because the bills have to be paid somehow... As you might know, for the past few years I've been one of the writers of the Judge Dredd comic strip in the British weekly comic 2000AD (and also in its monthly companion Judge Dredd Megazine).
Last week, the good people at 2000AD published the graphic novel Every Empire Falls, a collection of my Dredd stories leading up to and including last year's "mini-epic" tale that was spread over both publications... The book is aimed at readers slightly older than the targetted New Heroes audience, but I promise there's nothing too adult in there!
I'm delighted to say that Judge Dredd: Every Empire Falls has been rather well received so far...
This coming Saturday marks the first anniversary of the publication of The New Heroes: Crossfire, so as a special treat, I'm dropping the price! If you haven't bought a copy yet, now's your chance!
And not only that: I've also dropped the price of the e-book "Flesh and Blood"!
In other news: work continues on the ninth novel in the series... We're looking at publication in the first half of 2017, if all goes well. Can't do it any sooner than that, folks - sorry!
To help tide you over in the meantime, here's something from the archives: a never-before-published prototype cover for "The Footsoldiers"! (The folks at Penguin wanted a cover in the same style as their other e-books, so this one was rejected.)
Hello there, folks! Long time no update... Things have been busy here in Quantum Towers, what with me having to keep secretly saving the world and all that, so I haven't had much time to update this website. Plus there hasn't been much news to add to it, to tell the truth.
Work continues on the next book... but I haven't yet decided whether it will be the last one in the series, or the second-last! The story allows me to go one of two ways, and I'm not yet sure which is the best. I'll have to decided soon, though: I'm rapidly approaching the point of no return.
In other news: This coming Saturday (June 25th) I'll be appearing at the Hay Festival, Kells, Co. Meath, where I'll be speaking about the New Heroes / Quantum Prophecy series as well as my work on Judge Dredd. Here's the schedule:
11:00 Iona Hall / Carmel Naughton Stage
His many books for young adults have been described as ‘graphic novels without pictures’ so it will
come as no surprise that Michael Carroll, in addition to being the author of the New Heroes series,
is also a highly successful scriptwriter for comics and graphic novels.
15:30 Iona Hall / Carmel Naughton Stage
When it comes to comic book franchises few have been more enduring than Judge Dredd. The superhero or
‘street judge’ has been around since 1977, when he made his first appearance in the second issue of the
magazine 2000AD. Michael Carroll is a major contributor to the Judge Dredd franchise as well as
the author of numerous articles on the comic form under the fetching pseudonym of ‘Sprout’ and has
scripted a host of graphic novels (including Razorjack and the Jennifer Blood series).
The Kindle editions of The New Heroes: Crossfire are now available in all of Amazon's divisions: USA, UK, India, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Australia!
And there's this, too... :)
The New Heroes: Crossfire has been published!
The physical edition of Crossfire is now available on Amazon.com (US$12.99 PB) and Amazon.co.uk (£9.99 PB), and within a day or two should be available on Amazon's European sites (€12.99 PB) and as an e-book on Kindle.
More news as it comes in!
Crossfire is coming soon!
It's taken a little longer than anticipated, mainly because of a last-minute change to the introduction: I realised that it was probably a good idea to add a brief recap of the previous novels to help lapsed readers catch up.
Also: back when Philomel / Penguin published the US edition of the third book of the original trilogy (Absolute Power, AKA The Reckoning) they asked me to expand the ending, so I've included that ending as a new prologue to Crossfire.
So that's all done, and we're just about ready to go. I'm expecting a proof copy later this week: I'll give that the once-over, and - all going well - we should be on-target for publication before the end of this month!
In the meantime, here's a brand-new image to tide you over...
Buy "Flesh and Blood" on Amazon:
UK -
India -
Germany -
France -
Spain -
Netherlands -
Japan -
Brazil -
Canada -
Mexico -
As promised... the logo for Crossfire!
Some updates on Crossfire!
The fourth-draft manuscript for Crossfire has just come back from the editor with only a small number of suggestions, none of which will have a major impact on the story. This is good news: once I hammer out those few problems, I can send the book to my selected readers who will check it for typos and such. When that's done, we'll be ready to go!
Even better news is that my editor loved the book and reckons it's possibly the best one yet!
Not-so-good news is that I still don't yet have a publication date, but it shouldn't be too long now before I find that out. As I mentioned before, as soon as I have anything solid on that, I'll let you know. We're still aiming for publication before the end of this summer, but please don't hold me to that: it's better to have a late book than an unfinished one.
In the meantime... The publicity machine for Crossfire will soon start getting up to speed. Before too long, you can expect to see the new logo design, the cover, and maybe even a sample chapter! There'll be a little something else coming your way soon, so keep checking this site!
No news is good news, right?
Hi there, folks! Yes, it's been a while since this website received much attention from your humble servant, and for that I apologise.
Partly, this absense of attention has been because my old PC suffered a major crash and finally went the way of all things, and the shiny new PC that's replacing it is proving stubborn when it comes to reinstalling all my old software. Specifically, the website-managing program I wrote many years ago - and which I still use to create all my websites - is not quite compatible with Windows 8.1. It should be pretty easy to fix if I can ever get the darned compiler to run!
However, the biggest stumbling-block in updating the website has been that there's not really been much news to report... :(
A lot of people have been asking me about the publication of Crossfire and all I can tell you right now is that the plans haven't changed: all going well, it will be published this year - hopefully before the end of summer.
As soon as there is any solid news (such as the publication date) I promise I will let you know!