Super Human - the forthcoming prequel to the Quantum Prophecy / New Heroes series - is scheduled for publication in the USA on May 13, 2010.
But if you can't wait that long, perhaps there's a solution... You see, publishers often produce a small number of Advance Uncorrected Proof editions of a book for distribution to reviewers, bookstores and librarians (so they'll have an idea what to expect).
So if you enter this (not very easy) competition, you could be in with a chance to win your very own Advance Uncorrected Proof copy of Super Human, personally signed by me (Michael Carroll) to you!
All you have to do is send me the correct answers to the questions that appear on the next page... But first, the rules! Read these before you proceed!
- Competition entrants agree to be bound by these rules.
- All entries must include the complete name and e-mail address of the entrant: an e-mail address alone is not sufficient.
- Only one entry per person will be accepted, so please check your answers very carefully before submitting them!
- The closing date for the competition is 5 March 2010, at 23:59 GMT (that's one minute before midnight on Friday March 5th). Entries received after this time will not be elligible.
- If the event of a tie, the winner's name will chosen randomly from the entries with the most points.
- The full list of answers will be posted shortly after the closing date.
- The judge's decision is absolutely final.
- Bribes of less than US$2000 will not be accepted!
- All entrants to the competition automatically agree to have their real name used for publicity purposes.
- The winner agrees to supply his or her postal address (otherwise, how will I know where to send the prize?).
Update 2010/02/21: Do not send your postal address with your competition entry! You should never, ever, ever send your postal address to anyone without checking with your folks first! If you win, I will contact you and ask you for your address (and even then, check with your folks!)
Note: contact information supplied by the entrants for the purposes of this competition will be considered private and will not be shared with any other party.