Physically, Paranoia was not only the weakest member of The Chaingang, it's also likely that she was the weakest known superhuman (with the possible exception of Thalamus). However, Paranoia had the ability to remotely induce extreme feelings in others: it was not uncommon for enemies of The Chaingang to suddenly flee in terror, or to simply stop fighting in the belief that all was well.

It was this single ability that made The Chaingang one of the most dangerous supervillain groups: very few superhumans could resist her power.

Paranoia was last sighted several years before the disappearance. It has been speculated by some that she abandoned her life of crime when she realised that a far simpler way to attain vast wealth was to make people want to give her money.

A dark, heavy, full-body cloak enabled Paranoia to hide from her prey; often only her eyes - which glowed when she was using her power - gave away her position.