Harry Harrison wrote the daily and weekly Flash Gordon newspaper strips from
1958 to 1970. The bibliographical information below is based on Harry's surviving notes
and research by Arthur Lortie.
Sunday Strips
- "The Skorpi," 1959. Harrison's notes refer to this as Skorpi Invaders, dated to run until 5th April. Notes dated 16th November 1958.
- "Flight for Help," 1959.
- "City of Glass," 1959. Notes titled Glass World (incomplete) undated.
- "Venus Mystery," 1959.
- "Robot Spaceship," 1959.
- "The Star Miners," 1960. Notes dated 2nd October 1959.
- "Deadly Cargo," 1960. Referred to in the notes to 'Soil Divers'.
- "The Soil Divers," 1960. Notes dated 1st February 1960, titled Rock Diver; the story is based on the Harrison short story of the same title.
- "Deadworlds," 1960.
- "Game Warden of Saturn," 1960. Notes dated 6th May, and 12th and 25th July 1960, titled Game Warden in Space, and including a sketch of a multi-stage rocketship by Harrison.
- "The Trail of Orpheus," 1961.
- "Death Farm in Space," 1961. Notes dated 24th February and 6th May 1960, titled The Farm in Space.
- "Desert Prince," 1961. The original script bears the title 'Desert Prince' from week five onwards, with previous weeks having the title 'Martian Arabs.' The script consists of 15 pages for the 12-week story, dated to run 21st August to 12th November 1961. Included are sketches by Harrison of a 'lifting robot' and a 'null-g spacesuit' for week six.
- "Spaceways Patrol," 17th December 1961 to 1st April 1962.
- "Living Fossil," 1962.
- "Falling Moon," 1962.
- "Song of Saturn," 1962.
- "The Force Dome," 1962. The Harrison script is titled 'The Dome,' and consists of a single page for each of the twelve weeks of the story, dated to run 18th November 1962 to 23rd February 1963.
- "Star Beacon," 1963.
- "Yetti," 21st July 1963 to 27th November 1963. The Harrison script is titled 'Abominable Snowman,' and consists of a page for each week of the story, dated to run 21st July to 6th October 1963.
- "Boy from Another World," 24th November 1963 to 15th March 1964. Outline dated 13th October 1963, 18pgs., titled Alien Boy.
- "Dark Sun of Dragor," 22nd March to 19th July 1964.
- "The Chameleon," 26th July to 8th November 1964. Outline 12pgs., undated, titled Alien Child.
- "Man-Made Weather," 15th November to 14th February 1965.
- "Lost Tribe of the Andes," 21st February to 13th June 1965.
- "The Great Art Theft," 20th June to 10th October 1965.
- "Con Man in Space," 27th October 1965 to 24th January 1966. Notes undated. Outline 13pgs. including sketches, titled Interstellar Con Man.
- "Deathworld," 12th June 1966 to 23rd October 1966. Notes dated 8th February and 10th March 1966. Outline 12pgs., undated.
- "The Duke of Naples," 30th October 1966. Notes dated 27th July 1966.
- "The Moon Launcher," 1967. Outline 15pgs. including sketch, undated.
- "Captured on Pluto," 1967.
- "The Return of the Chameleon," 1968.
- "Colony of Pluto," 1968.
- "The Robot World," 1969.
- "Invasion!" 1969.
- "Assignment on Pluto," 1969.
- "The 'MT' Machine," 1970.
Daily Strips
- "The Far Side of the Moon," 21th January to 15th March 1958.
- "Flying Saucer," 17th March to 3rd May 1958.
- "The Pluto Spectacular," 5th May to 21st June 1958.
- "Satellite Prison," 23rd June to 26th July 1958.
- "Colony on Mars," 28th June to 13th September 1958.
- "Disaster at Bigtree," 15th September to 8th November 1958.
- "Derilect of the Skorpi War," 10th November to 27th December 1958. Among Harrison's notes is a piece titled History of the 30,000 Year War dated 29th October 1958, which gives details of the aliens and the weapons to be used in the Skorpi stories.
- "Runaway Weather," 29th December 1958 to 7th March 1959. Mentioned in notes dated 31st October 1958.
- "Lost Legion," 9th March 1959 to 23rd May 1959.
- "The Matter Transmitter," 25th May to 27th June 1959.
- "Flash Without Dale," 29th June to 5th September 1959. There is considerable correspondence between Harrison and Dan Barry regarding a proposed marriage and then a 'break up' story line. Harrison's notes for the post-breakup story are titled Space Beatniks and are dated 26th April 1959. There is some evidence, along with interview comments by Barry, that he wrote some or all of the break-up storyline for the comic strip.
- "Space Construction Corps," 7th September to 24th October 1959.
- "H-Bomb Under the Mongo Sea," 26th October to 5th January 1960. Notes dated 1st September 1959.
- "The Metallic Raiders," 7th January to 5th March 1960.
- "The Airborne Ark," 7th March to 23rd April 1960.
- "The First Man on Mars," 25th April to 25th June 1960. Harrison's initial story idea is dated 22nd November 1959.
- "Quarantine Station," 27th June to 3rd September 1960. Harrison's notes for this story are dated 22nd December 1959 and 20th February 1960. A further expansion is dated 3rd March 1960.
- "The Psi People," 5th September to 7th December 1960. Harrison's idea for this is dated 27th June 1960, being an expansion of an idea dated 20th June 1960, and is referred to as 'The Joad Family in Space,' a reference to The Beverly Hillbillies. Further notes are dated 4th July 1960 and 12th July 1960.
- "Deathfighters," 9th December 1960 to 11th March 1961.
- "Waldo without Spacesuit," 13th March to 27th May 1961.
- "The Visitors," 29th May to 8th July 1961.
- "Titanic II," 10th July to 7th October 1961.
- "Horseparlor in the Sky," 9th October to 23rd December 1961.
- "Robot Worker," 25th December 1961 to 17th March 1962.
- "Back in Time," 19th March to 5th May 1962.
- "Fisher Dolphins of Venus," 7th May to 28th July 1962. Original story idea in notes dated 20th June 1960.
- "Dimension X, 30th July to 15th September 1962.
- "Space Scouts and Skorpi," 17th September 1962 to 2nd March 1963. Notes - Outline for Additional Copy for 'Space Scouts'- - dated 2nd August 1962.
- "Deathstone," 4th March to 25th May 1963.
- "The Hapless Alien," 27th May to 9th November 1963.
- "Martian Treasure," 11th November to 22nd February 1964.
- "The Solid Gold Bomb," 24th February to 13th June 1964.
- "Space Race," 15th June to 10th October 1964.
- "Shipbuilding on Mars," 12th October 1964 to 21th January 1965.
- "The Robot War," 14th January to 28th April 1965.
- "The Maybe Machine," ?
- "Space Sweep," 23rd August to 12th December 1965. Plot outline, 28pgs. including sketches, undated.
- "The Asteroid Miners," 14th December 1965 to 2nd April 1966. One page note dated 19th November 1965. Plot outline, 29 pgs. including sketches, undated. Both titled Steel Mill in Space.
- "Ming IV," 4th April to July 1966. Outline 27pgs., titled Planet of Super Speed, dated 5th March 1966.
- "Food Ship," 1966.
- "Radioactive Seas," 1967. Outline 20pgs., titled Mystery of the Venus Deep, undated.
- "Survival Test," 1967.
- "Egon Blant Escapes," 1968.
- "Living Statues," 1968.
- "Flash Gordon and the Vikings," 1968.
- "McFry's Vendetta," 1969.
- "Manhunt," 1969.
- "Puppet Masters," 1969.
In 1989, Harry made an appearance in the Flash Gordon newspaper strip.
In a sequence in which Flash and a time traveller visit the future,
they discover that one of Harry's predictions has come true, and Harry
is revered as a god because of it...
The strip was written and drawn by Dan Barry. © 1989 King Features Syndicate.