Free Fiction

Five-Word Stories

According to legend, Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a short story in only six words. Hemmingway wrote: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

Regardless of the veracity of that legend, what's important is that it is possible to write an effective short story in very few words, because the writer relies on the reader's knowledge and imagination to fill in the gaps.

Recently, I spotted the hashtag #FiveWordStories on Twitter and I knew I had to give it a shot. Here, then, is a selection of my attempts to create an intriguing tale in only five words, one less than Hemmingway had to play with... (OK, so some of these are not great, but it's a fun challenge and a great exercise in brevity!)

"Help! Fell overboard - no ladder!"

"Empty mortuary - coffin lid's moving."

"But that's not MY reflection!"

"Universe saved! Now mowing lawn."

"The time is now yesterday."

"Robot rampage! Quick - unleash zombies!"

"Mommy - bring truck: found corpse!"

"Superman... You're wearing Clark's glasses!"

"Found hat, can't find head."

"Something's under the bed: Me."

And finally, my own favourite, which has been retweeted lots of times so I'm guessing that it's either well-liked or much-hated! Make of this what you will...

"Starving. Cupboard's empty... Crib isn't."


© Michael Carroll 2012 - absolutely not to be reproduced without permission!